Finally started therapy again…

2 min readApr 8, 2022


And I tried to be as honest as I could about my fears with therapy. So I like what came out of it and I want to share my notes here.

three core issues
my beliefs

About me
my lovability, acceptability, do i matter to myself, do i matter to God, do i matter to this cosmos

About other
husband, therapist, friends, saints
are you human too? can you love, can i trust you, can i form a relationship with you
where can i find physical safety, emotional safety, psychological safety
that’s the breath of relief, safety, feeling of being at home
when we go somewhere, part of us has a wall up cause we’re on but when we go home we can take off our shoes, can i find safety in a relationship, can i trust a relationship to get me through, maybe I left dishes out and my husband is mad, but no matter what this relationship will see me through…. so we can be honest and make repairs
i may receive a feedback, and someone is not happy with something,
and it’s my job to not take it personally and that it doesn’t mean i’m not safe
if i read it as a personal attack it’s below the level of consciousness
People want the answer to be yes to this question but it may not be

About optimism
for my ability to be successful and have a meaningful life
for a lot of people that’s helping others

Therapy is so we can get to the point where we can honestly answer yes to all three questions.

yes i matter,
yes i’m lovable, yes i am loved, yes you matter, yes you are human, and yes i can be safe with you and you can be safe with me, and
Yes together we can achieve our collective goals and individual goals

this is psychological education
to give you something to consider

During the week take notes of things coming up emotion wise or relationship wise and thoughts i have to focus the session

End of session review goals and identify what i want to do over course of the week

therapist’s job is not to make you be a republican, democrat, etc, those are not answers and will not make the anxiety go away

anxiety comes first

going to help you get perspective

